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2008 Condar Tests

Test HK-J08
January 16/08

Hard maple, medium and large pieces, 16% moisture, large load 64.6 lbs
10 pieces, 3.5 lbs kindling
Cold fuel, stacked in warm firebox for 90 minutes. Warm heater (24 hrs)

Animation HK-J
Animation, 2 minute intervals.

gas analysis
Flue gas

description to follow

TESTO Excel data file

The spike at 32 minutes is when air is cut back (ashbox door closed).
With a very large fuel load such as this, it may be advantageous to delay closing the door to 350F.

Condar Spreadsheet Results
Condar Spreadsheet Results

Condar Spreadsheet (includes detailed fueling data)

Fuel stack.

Fuel load J07
Fuel load.

Graphical data comparison of Condar tests

This page was updated on January 17, 2008
This page was created on January 16, 2008