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2008 Condar Tests

Test HK-J27
February 20/08

White birch, 20% moisture, 70.0 lbs
Medium pieces, smaller on top, 10 pieces
Stack sloped towards kindling
Cold heater (90 F firebox temp), Cold fuel (-5 F)
Side ignition.
Cold kindling, 3.5 lbs with 2.25 lbs extra added at 18 minutes (see gas and opacity curves)

Animation HK-J
Animation, 2 minute intervals.
Last 20 minutes missing due to computer crash.

gas analysis
Flue gas
Data from minute 100 to 115 is missing, and interpolated.
The CO around minutes 85 - 95 is the lowest on record, reaching as low as 10 ppm, with a CO/CO2 ratio
of 0.0002 (0.01 is usually considered to be very good).

TESTO Excel data file

3.5 lbs of kindling started very clean, but then ran out of steam and CO started going up. 2.25 lbs of kindling added at
18 minutes. This overamped things, as evidenced by the uncharacteristic nature of the opacity curve.

Condar Spreadsheet Results
Condar Spreadsheet Results

Condar Spreadsheet (includes detailed fueling data)

Fuel stack. Kindling on right side. Smaller pieces on top.


fuel pile
Fuel pieces, numbered 1 - 10 from left to right.

Graphical data comparison of Condar tests

This page was updated on February 22, 2008
This page was created on February 20, 2008